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Zürcher Totentanz

Author: Search for this author Naegeli, Harald (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Harald Naegeli ; mit Beiträgen von Barbara Basting, Urs Bühler, Bernhard Echte, Reto Hänny, Bernd Roeck
Year: 2022
Publisher: Wädenswil am Zürichsee, Schweiz, Nimbus
Media group: Buch


Location 2StatusReservations
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0


Author: Search for this author Naegeli, Harald (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Harald Naegeli ; mit Beiträgen von Barbara Basting, Urs Bühler, Bernhard Echte, Reto Hänny, Bernd Roeck
Year: 2022
Publisher: Wädenswil am Zürichsee, Schweiz, Nimbus
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Classification: Search for this systematic 700, 1270635948 LI 99999
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ISBN: 978-3-03850-088-9
ISBN (2nd): 3-03850-088-7
Description: 359 Seiten
Tags: Geschichte 2020, Naegeli, Harald, Streetart, Totentanz, Zürich
Participating parties: Search for this character Basting, Barbara (writer of supplementary textual content)
Language: Deutsch
Media group: Buch