La quatrième couverture indique : "AKIZA est une poupée en Noir et Blanc peinte en multilpes variantes au pochoir sur les murs, les gouttières et les panneaux. Cette icône dark au petit air nippon vient d'un univers étrange et poétique, mécanique et paléo-industriel. Jouet de son créateur, Akiza résonne par contradictions pour apparaître à la fois expressive et impénétrable, asexuée et érotique, mignonne et grinçante, figée en mouvement, contrainte et libre, moderne et traditionnelle. Entre graphisme et typographie, Akiza est l'incarnation visible, parfois vandale, d'un projet artistique hybride et déjanté."
Who is Akiza? A little doll in black and white born from a project combining typography and graphic design. Artistic toy of its creator, it always has the same face, but a multitude of different bodies. In these multiple variants, she is "neither quite the same nor quite another" as an infinite echo at her first appearance, like so many sisters for whom resemblance no less attenuates the personality of each one. . Akiza is a little dark icon with a cute Japanese side, in a very mechanical, techno and industrial world. His representation is all at once expressive and impenetrable, asexual and erotic, cute and squeaky, frozen and in motion, constrained and free, modern and traditional ... So many contradictory feelings created by a "kawaii" face placed on a stuck body in a tangle of cables, antennas and black surfaces. Graphic designer and draftsman typographer laureate of the famous Morisawa Awards in 2003, Yoshii Akiza develops an artistic universe inspired by calligraphy, surrealist paintings by Giger, Japan and Tokyo architecture, posters of Chinese propaganda or the principle of numbering Maya. Her artistic project focuses on this doll, effigy that allows her to develop her technique and creativity on various media and in the street.
Statement of Responsibility:
textes: Arnaud Oliveux, Jean-Luc Hinsinger, Sire Cédric, Sophie Pujas, Pierre MikaÉiloff, Paella, Son Excellence Otto, Codex Urbanus, Vx (Punish Yourself), Yoshii et Robinson Akiza
Grenoble, Critères Éditions
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ISBN (2nd):
93 Seiten
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