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of Men & Birds

Author: Search for this author Walter, Lucia (artist)
Year: July 2012
Publisher: Seattle, Idrawalot
Media group: Buch


Location 2StatusReservations
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0


“Of men & Birds” shows some of Lucia’s most obsessive work and its process: human portraits and birds, in a reversed order, from the newest paintings to the first illustrations. She has always felt that there is a strong relationship between humans and birds and that there are many resemblances between them. Thus, in 2011, she started deliriously drawing caricatures of birds in a monochrome style; but after discovering new techniques and the wonderful world of colors, she started mixing photographs and illustrations, creating some sort of human-bird portraits that explore the physical resemblances between those flying animals and people. In 2012 she began painting colorful portraits that, somehow, keep part of the spirit of the previous work and, although the birds are not the main subject anymore, they can still be found if one takes a long look at the paintings…


Author: Search for this author Walter, Lucia (artist)
Year: July 2012
Publisher: Seattle, Idrawalot
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ISBN: 9781478158547
Description: Limited Edition - Signed Artist Edition, 40 S.; Ill
Participating parties: Search for this character Addison, Karl (editor)
Language: Englisch
Media group: Buch