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Daring to push the boundaries
Author: Search for this author Reisser, Mirko (author)
Statement of Responsibility: DAIM
Year: 2004
Publisher: Hamburg, Reisser
Media group: Buch


Location 2StatusReservations
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0


In order to demonstrate the intensive examination of the possibilities of presenting his name, to bring it into a unity and to perfect it, the Hamburg 3D-virtuoso DAIM prefers "graffiti-untypical" ways. One might think his styles are bursting out of the walls to explode on screens, make room for photorealistic series, and finally awaken to new life as sculptures. In DAIM's gallery, the variety of his techniques and motifs collects: The strange view of exotic fish, perspective representations of a gas mask, complex skeleton sketches of his name, here acrylic paintings, there drawings. When asked if he breaks with conventional graffiti understanding, he answers, "My ambition is to show new facets of graffiti, there will always be" writers "who spray illegally, but increasingly those that use different media and styles This way, new ideas can be added without the old ones disappearing. " On 108 pages, his works are now shown for the first time in a book.


Author: Search for this author Reisser, Mirko (author)
Statement of Responsibility: DAIM
Year: 2004
Publisher: Hamburg, Reisser
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Classification: Search for this systematic 700
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ISBN: 3-00-014155-3
ISBN (2nd): 978-3-00-014155-3
Description: 1. ed, 107 S : überw. Ill
Tags: DAIM, Graffito, Writing
Participating parties: Search for this character Mwinkand, Lena (writer of added text); Behrend, Sarah (writer of added text)
Language: Englisch, Deutsch
Media group: Buch