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Untitled No8

Author: Search for this author Müller, Karl-Heinz (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Karl-Heinz Müller
Year: 2008
Media group: Buch


Location 2StatusReservations
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0


Interview with Martha Cooper, p. 4-19,
incl. photos from her travels to Japan, Panama, Suriname, Guatemala, France, Thailand, Afghanistan, Mali and Brazil,
graffiti and hip hop photos from New York,
childhood photos of Martha Cooper


Author: Search for this author Müller, Karl-Heinz (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Karl-Heinz Müller
Year: 2008
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ISBN: 9783939181132
ISBN (2nd): 978-3-9391-8113-2
Description: 192 Seiten; Überwiegend Illustrationen
Tags: Biography, Bronx, Dondi White, Martha Cooper, Street Play, Subway Art, Tokyo Tattoo, Trainwriting, Travels
Language: Englisch
Media group: Buch