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Klick Klack Magazin

32 Notes on Graffiti
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Year: 2014
Media group: Zeitschrift


Location 2StatusReservations
Location 2: Bibliothek Status: reference collection Reservations: 0


Creating a graffiti magazine is somehow the same as creating graffiti. It’s easy to do what others did long before and most of your contemporaries do today. To choose an old and often walked path is always easier than looking for your own way of achieving your goals.
The concept behind “32 Notes of Graffiti” couldn’t be more simple. Besides the two pages every participant has been given there’s no other content. The result is one of the most interesting and entertaining magazines of the last years. Reduced to a minimum of space every special had to be broken down to a quint essence.
A letter to graffiti (SEEW) and the buffing and crossing out of own panels (ZEDT, CAPSOL) attract your attention in the 32 chapters as well as classic freight train full color pieces (NEO) or the photographic archives of 1980s defense attorney from Munich.
Every two pages are different and the well selected participants from Germany, Finland, Italy, France, Sweden, etc. offer a broad variety of stories and insights presented in a combination of photos and texts in most cases.
This magazine is already a classic and must have in every serious collection.
Featured artists: KID CRAP, KAYRO, Konrad Kittl, IDEE, NEO, SAT ONE, BROM, Anonym, Julian Roth, GUES, Emmett E., ZASD, HACKE, SPAIR, LAZY P, IRON, ACID79, EXOT, NOKIER, ZAY, Osif Seiksuh, WIND, TAPS, CAPSOL, Benjamin Bisl, Alex Fakso, EGS, BWÄRE, DREAMCATCHER16, ZEDT, CASTER and SEEW.


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Year: 2014
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Volume: 70 S.
Tags: verschiedene Künstler
Language: Deutsch, Englisch
Media group: Zeitschrift